Archive 2010

Presenting Istria at MIB School of Management in Trieste (Italy)

On 11th February at International Master in Tourism & Leisure of MIB School of Management, a presentation of Istrian tourism will be held on the topic of destination management.

On 11th February at International Master in Tourism & Leisure of MIB School of Management, a presentation of Istrian tourism will be held on the topic of destination management. A full day lecture will be held by Denis Ivošević, Head of the Istrian County Administrative Department for Tourism, who will present the basic characteristics and features of Istria as a tourist destination as well as a case study, Master Plan of Istrian Tourism until 2012 - a successful example of repositioning and restructuring the destination in the wider region and the model of competitiveness of Istrian development tourist projects.

This is the fifth time this course, which began in October last year and is attended by some 20 students from different countries, some of them even from Croatia , deals with the tourism of our region.  

Istrian County Administrative Department for Tourism
