Experience Motovun

Famous personalities

Among the personalities who often stayed in Motovun-Montona or whose place of origin is Motovun-Montona, we can point out Croatian artist Miroslav Šutej and Gianpaolo Polesini who advocated for the construction of the Učka tunnel at the first convocation of the Istrian Parliament in as early as 1861.

Andrea Antico, Renaissance composer and publisher, who was one of the first to use staff and the modern way of musical notation.

The famous inventor of the ship's propeller, Josef Ressel, whose invention has become a symbol of the international film festival, lived here between 1835 and 1843. He became famous due to the first successful experiment of starting a steamship with a propeller, which was held in Trieste in 1829.

Motovun-Montona is the birthplace of Mario Andretti (1940), famous auto racing champion, world champion of Formula 1 (1978) and the winner of the ''500 miles of Indianapolis'' race (1969).
