
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi

The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi, best known as the Golden Gate, was erected by the Sergi family, a powerful Roman family which had maintained its power and glory through centuries. It was named Porta Aurea or the Golden Gate due to its lavish decorative arch or the gild on the town gate supporting the town walls as well as the triumphal arch at that time. The gate and the walls were destroyed in the 19th century when the new urbanisation plan was adopted under which the expansion of the town core had been planned.

The Triumphal Arch is a superb architectural achievement of the Late Hellenic Roman engineering, with its 8 meter high arch from the late 1st century BC, some time between years 29 and 27. Salvia Postuma Sergi had it erected with her own money, in memory of the three Sergi family members: Lucius Sergi, Lucius Sergi Lepid and Gnaeus Sergi. This data is known from the inscriptions which have been preserved until the present day. The Triumphal Arch was erected after the death of the above three mentioned noblemen as a symbol of remembrance of the deceased family members. As they were most probably buried somewhere else, the Arch does not have a traditional burial character.

The Corinthian style with a significant influence of the Hellenic art of Asia Minor is best seen on the decorative motifs. The western side of the Arch has been lavishly decorated, while the major part of its eastern part has remained uncarved. As it was located within the walls, but behind the Golden Gate, it was not visible from the east part of the town during the Antiquity. Therefore, the east side decoration is also weaker. Today it stands in the centre of Portarata Square with a stage next to it for holding numerous cultural events.

T: + 385 (0)52 351 300

The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi
The Triumphal Arch of the Sergi