Polenta Festival

Celebrating the feast of St. Maurus, the protector of the city, citizens of Poreč are organizing various commemorative events, and among many is Polenta Festival, with its gastro-entertaining content for all the citizens but also interesting to guests that happen to visit the city in this winter period.

Program will start on November 21st, at the Freedom Square, with a presentation and tasting of whole variety of polenta-based meals. Apparently simple meals of our fathers combined with very good istrian wines, followed by music and get-together at the Freedom Square will surely make that day an amusing and interesting experience.

Definitely, this is festive moment, a place of meetings, tastings and reminiscing some of the old dishes, stories and people, but also a chance to come up with some new experiences, so it could be interesting to see and to feel such unusual and alive winter scenery.

11:00 - 17:00


  • Sloboda Square / Poreč-Parenzo


  • 21.11.19


  • 11:00-17:00


  • Grad Poreč

