Eröffnung der Saison für weiße Trüffel

Trüffelsuche und Verkostung

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt.
Anmeldung bis Donnerstag, 01/09/2022: 
tel. +385 91 5416715 (Ivan Vukadinović)
or by e-mail:


Truffle Hunters Association “Istra” invites you on to participate in the opening of the white truffle hunting season. Those interested in the event will be able to spend a few hours with the white truffle hunters and their dogs in the Motovun Forest, to experience the white truffle hunt.    The gathering is scheduled for 8.00 am, entry into the Motovun Forest at 9.00 am. The gathering place is below the village of Ipši (intersection of Gradinje - Livade) beside the table marking a special nature reserve. The hunt will last until 10.30 am.