Svjetski dan turizma 2022



  • The Archaeological Museum of Istria operates on the territory of the Istrian and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties. It stores more than 125,000 items. In the archeology department of the institution, there are prehistoric, ancient, medieval, modern collections, and a collection of underwater archaeology. The museum also contains educational, library, documentation and restoration departments. In cooperation with the Conservation Department of the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, the institution takes care of the Arena and the archaeological park in Nezaktion, and also takes care of the Temple of Augustus, the chapel of the Basilica of St. Maria Formosa, the ancient city gates, ramparts, and the recently reconstructed Little Roman Theater. The renovation of the museum building was recently completed, and the creation of a new permanent exhibition of the Museum is underway.

  • Angepasst an Menschen mit Behinderungen: JA
  • Bei Regen geöffnet: JA
  • Mit Vorankündigung: NEIN

Content 1:

  • Exhibition "Castles of Istria" opened in the Gallery of the Sacred Heart
  • Dauer: During working hours of the Gallery
  • Geplanter Termin:
    Samstag 01/10 und Sonntag 02/10
    za vrijeme radnog vremena Galerije
  • Preis am Tourismustag: Besplatno / Gratis
  • Sende eine Anfrage

Content 2:

  • Exhibition "Originals, copies, imitations" in Gallery C8
  • Dauer: During working hours of the Gallery
  • Geplanter Termin:
    Samstag 01/10 und Sonntag 02/10
    za vrijeme radnog vremena Galerije
  • Preis am Tourismustag: Besplatno / Gratis
  • Sende eine Anfrage

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