TOP titles for Istria

Lonely Planet chooses Istria among the world's top 10 regions to visit in 2011

Best in Travel 2011, a special edition of the prestigious guidebook Lonely Planet, elected Istria at the second place amongst the world's most interesting regions to visit. Lonely Planet is the preferred guidebook trusted by numberous tourists worldwide on their travels.

Best in Travel 2011, a special edition of the prestigious guidebook Lonely Planet, elected Istria at the second place among the world's most interesting regions to visit.

Lonely Planet is the preferred guidebook trusted by numberous tourists worldwide on their travels. The philosophy saying 'All you've got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over. So go!', published in the first number of the guidebook by Tony and Maureen Wheeler, the co-founders of Lonely Planet, is still driving this worldwide known brand.

'Best in Travel', is a selection of 10 countries, 10 regions and 10 cities worth of travel, to take you out of the ordinary and into some unforgettable experiences, chosen by the expert authors of the guide book. In this, sixth edition of 'Best in Travel', on 208 pages one can find detailed tips and advices about places and attractions worth to visit throughout the year.

Istria has been nominated by Anja Mutic, travel writer & blogger, Lonely Planet author, Croatia expert based in New York, also the author of the respective article about Istria, containing all the reasons to visit this particular part of Croatia and of the world. The guidebook, containing the advices where to travel in 2011, just published and very requested by the readers, at the end of this month will also be available in French.

The Tourism Board of Istria
