Archive 2010

Inclusion of Istrian winemakers into the prestigious guide ''Vinibuoni d'Italia 2011'' of the Italia

As it has already been announced, during March and April final negotiations took place about the inclusion of 15 best Istrian winemakers into the prestigious guide of the Italian Touring Club - TCI, ''Vinibuoni d'Italia 2011'', published in 35 thousand copies. All the included Istrian winemakers will be reviewed and evaluated by the eminent Italian experts in the field of enology. The said publication deals with the Italian enologic tradition, especially the autochthonous wines of certain regions.

As it has already been announced, during March and April final negotiations took place about the inclusion of 15 best Istrian winemakers into the prestigious guide of the Italian Touring Club - TCI, ''Vinibuoni d'Italia 2011'', published in 35 thousand copies.

All the included Istrian winemakers will be reviewed and evaluated by the eminent Italian experts in the field of enology. The said publication deals with the Italian enologic tradition, especially the autochthonous wines of certain regions. The condition that has to be met in order to be included is that the wines have to be completely produced from the selected grapes grown in autochthonous  vineyards,  and the best wines are awarded a prestigious ''Crown'' or a ''Golden Star''. In order to be nominated and considered for the ''Crown'', a wine has to get at least 4 ''stars'' which result in the ''Golden Star''.

The reputation of these awards can be proven by the fact that in all of Italy only 216 wines have been awarded a ''Crown'' and only 187 a ''Golden Star''. The said results have been obtained upon tasting some 18.000 samples from which 4.000 excel in aroma, freshness, pleasure of drinking and the presentation of vineyard and the area where wines have been produced. The edition includes 1.070 wine producers.

All the information the guide can be found at their official website

Istrian County Administrative Department of Tourism
