Medieval Nights at the Castle
Historical Association Kaštel from Svetvinčenat organizes the play "Medieval nights in the castle" which will be held during the summer season.
The shows are performed in the Morosini-Grimani Castle and last approximately 60 minutes. The program includes a knights' tournament, the burning of witches, an interesting catapult firing competition and a fire show - where knights fight with flaming torches at night.
After the show, visitors will be able to visit the castle where the square tower particularly stands out and from which a beautiful view over the town and over the exhibition of replicas of medieval weapons in the Grimanijev tron Gallery can be seen. There will also be stands of local exhibitors with a variety of products. Visitors can perpetuate their arrival at the photo checkpoint or even try their hand at archery.
Come to the show and experience a return to the Middle Ages in one night.
03.07. | 10.07. | 24.07.
14.08. | 21.08. | 28.08.
» Medieval Nights at the Castle
» Virtual tour in Svetvinčent