Explore Kršan

Kršan can rightly take pride in its rich cultural and historical heritage which in some places dates back to the 11th century.You will sense beauty and variety whether you start your visit with Kršan’s Kaštel municipality where the Istarski Razvod (Istrian Book of Boundaries) was found; Plomin’s chapel of St. George that treasures the oldest known Glagolitic inscription – the Plomin inscription; the western slopes of Učka and Kožljak castle; the Romanesque church of St. Quirin with its fresco dating back to the 15th century with a detailed depiction of the Adoration of the Magi by Albert, a famous painter; Čepić, a town having the same name as its lake which becomes dessicated and turns into cultivable fields; or Potpićan which is the youngest settlement in Istria.In Kršan municipality are intertwined the remains of Glagolitic and sacral heritage along with old crafts, modern tourist offerings and a variety of gastronomic delights. If you look closely and listen briefly to the beauty of this place you will surely see and perhaps even hear the tender sound of its endemic species – the Istrian bluebell.

Where would you like to stay?

2 °C
  • Sat
    2 ºC
  • Sun
    -2 ºC
  • Mon
    0 ºC
source: DHMZ
How to get there?
  • Car
  • Bicycle
9:30 h
0:30 h
276,4 km
277,4 km
source: Google Maps