Istrian cuisine

Unique flavours of the Mediterranean cuisine

Discover the enchantments of flavour and scent of this wonderful country in which, as Cassiodorus wrote in 537, “patricians lead the lives of Gods”.

Istria, a marvellous Mediterranean peninsula surrounded by the crystal-clear sea, is well known for its tourist amenities along the coast and its lush green hinterland, with countless cultural-historic sights and unforgettable natural panoramas from hilltop towns. It is also a treasure chest of gastronomic delights...

A table filled with seafood brought to the surface from the turquoise depths of Poseidon, here is as cultivated as the humble asparagus and legendary truffle, the underground treasure taken right from the plates of Hades. Crust of home-made bread is dipped into the golden liquid of the best olive oil in the world, while the palates are ennobled by the finest of wines.

As you string up delicious bites on the necklace of pleasure, you will be overwhelmed by the polyphony of flavour and scent. Food taken from the sea and soil simmer in the cauldron of happiness over the fire of passion made of olives and grapevine. Rosemary, laurel, basil and thyme that sprout up on the footpath, crown the bites that you bring to your mouth. Do not hesitate, if you pick a sprig, it will carry the memory of the warm Mediterranean scent for a long time to come.

Whether you chose delicacies of the sea or a delicious truffle, the golden drops of the autochthonous Istarska Malvazija, the fragrant Momjan Muscat or ruby-coloured Teran that Casanova used to refresh himself with, these superb pleasures will stay in your memory forever.

Dishes of Blue Istria

The meat of Istrian cattle - an exquisite delicacy

Seafood specialties

Dishes of Green Istria

Wild plants and asparagus
